ეროვნული შემადგენლობა
რეგიონის მოსახლეობის ეროვნული შემადგენლობა (ტერიტორიები ადგილობრივი მოსახლეობის უმრავლესობით დაჩრდილულია: ლურჯი - უკრაინელები, ვარდისფერი - უნგრელები, წითელი - რუმინელები)
მშობლიური ენები ადგილობრივი საკრებულოს ტერიტორიაზე 2001 წლის აღწერის მიხედვით
2001 წლის აღწერის მიხედვით:
უკრაინელები - 1 010 127 (80,5%)
უნგრელები - 151 516 (12,1%)
რუმინელები - 32 152 (2,6%)
რუსები - 30 993 (2,5%)
ბოშები - 14004 (1,1%)
რუსინები - 10100 (0.8%)
სლოვაკები - 5695 (0,5%)
გერმანელები - 3582 (0,3%)
ბელორუსელები - 1540 (0,1%)
ებრაელები - 565 (0,05%)
პოლუსები - 518 (0.04%)
მოლდოველები - 516 (0,04%)
იხ. ვიდეო - Закарпаття 2020 - Карпати, Синевир. Zakarpattia Oblast 2020 - Carpathian Mountains, Lake Synevyr - The Ukrainian Carpathians are a section of the Eastern Carpathians, within the borders of modern Ukraine. They are located in the southwestern corner of Western Ukraine, within administrative territories of four Ukrainian regions (oblasts), covering northeastern part of Zakarpattia Oblast, southwestern part of Lviv Oblast, southern half of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast and western half of Chernivtsi Oblast.
The Zakarpatska Oblast is an administrative oblast (province) located in southwestern Ukraine, coterminous with the historical region of Carpathian Ruthenia. Its administrative centre is the city of Uzhhorod. Other major cities within the oblast include Mukachevo, Khust, Berehove and Chop which is home to railroad transport infrastructure. Zakarpatska Oblast was established on 22 January 1946, after the resignation of Czechoslovakia on the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia (Czech: Podkarpatská Rus), annexed forcibly by the Soviet Union and attached to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, under a treaty between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. Some scholars say that during the Ukrainian independence referendum held in 1991, Zakarpatska Oblast voters were given a separate option on whether or not they favoured autonomy for the region. Although a large majority favoured autonomy, it was not granted. However, this referendum was about self-government status, not about autonomy (like in Crimea).
Situated in the Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine, Zakarpattia Oblast is the only Ukrainian administrative division which borders upon four countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The Carpathian Mountains play a major part in the oblast's economy, making the region an important tourist and travel destination housing many ski and spa resorts.
With its almost 13,000 square kilometres (5,000 sq mi), the oblast is ranked 23rd by area and 15th by population as according to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, the population of Zakarpatska Oblast was 1,254,614. This total includes people of many different nationalities of which Hungarians, Romanians and Rusyns constitute significant minorities in some of the province's cities, while in others, they form the majority of the population (as in the case of Berehove). Lake Synevyr is the largest lake in the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine. It is located in Mizhhiria Raion, Zakarpattia Oblast, not far from the village of Synevyr Poliana. It is part of the National natural preserve "Synevyr", which was established in 1989. Scientists estimate that the lake formed about ten thousand years ago. In 2008, the lake was recognized as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine.